At Juma, I got my first job and I enjoyed it because I love anything that relates to business. I’m glad that I made the decision to join because Juma has taught me a lot about the working world.
I have grown so much working with Juma. At first, I wanted to give up because I thought I wasn’t ready for all these new things. Meeting over a thousand people during every shift, talking and using customer service skills, was all overwhelming. I didn’t have the confidence to do it but Juma has taught me confidence and customer service skills. Before I didn’t know I could talk and interact with so many people in one day.
Using this skill, I became a person who is more outgoing and not scared of talking in front of a large group of people. Juma has taught me how to push myself through these challenges because life is going to be full of them and I learned that I can’t give up every time I think I can’t do something. Now, I believe we all can do what we want if we try harder.
My future goals include studying International Business and opening up my own business in different countries. Juma is helping me reach my goals by teaching me business skills and maybe I’ll even go farther than I expected!
Juma: Noun/joo-ma/ 'Work' in multiple African dialects.
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